Being sick is not nice. It’s important we look after ourselves, otherwise you will face the consequences. There are a lot of ways to prevent yourself from getting sick, below are some easy methods to stop yourself from becoming sick.
One of the easiest ways of staying healthy is eating a balanced range of food. This means eating from the 5 food groups with a focus on fruits and vegetables. If you do that then your body will receive all the nutrients it needs to be in the best condition to fight off invading germs.
Another way to prevent yourself from getting sick is to not share any food or drinks with someone that has saliva/germs all over it. This means you should only share food/drinks with your friends if you haven’t already eaten/drunk it yet. If you do this then you will stop yourself from spreading germs and saliva in your mouth and from getting diseases like meningitis.
A final way to prevent yourself from getting sick is to keep warm wherever you are/go. This means to wrap yourself into a nice and warm blanket or a jumper/jacket. If you do this you will prevent yourself from getting cold which will keep from getting sick.
These are some of the ways from stopping yourself from getting sick if you follow this advice that i have given you, you will have a less chance from getting sick
This is a great piece of explanation writing Mikano. I really like how you have used connectives to connect each paragraph together. This makes it flow well for the reader.